Saturday, November 29, 2014

Just for one day...Featuring lyrics from Heroes by David Bowie.

It was a dream in the late 90s
From a sleepless night or a hang over
I heard David Bowie sing in the middle of that haze
I wish that morning it was cold in an overcast way
Something told me to not make plans
Something told me my place was there
To Ride out the hangover
It was time to wake up
As I tried to shake the hangover
As I tried to get up
As I tried to figure out
What was going on...
"You, you can be mean,
"And I, I'll drink all the time,
"Cause we're lovers
"And that is a fact,
"Yes we're lovers, and that is that!"
then it was hot...
behind the explosions
apart from gun fire,
among the flames,
I knew,
we could beat them,
just for one day...
everything went deaf,
everything went mute
and I saw the sun set behind the sea
It was a dream in mid battle
on a summer's night
I could feel the warm breeze
It was only for one day...
then it was the heat
the heat of battle,
I was so tired
after that dream...
I was bleeding after that dream...
I was dying after that dream...
they put me on the gurney
to carry me out of battle...
I just stared to the sullen smoke sky
I could smell the burnt and forgotten
My eyes desperate to find the sun
in the middle of smoke
I whispered to myself
to my angels
to those who I love,
to who I'm in love with,
 "I wish you could swim
 "like dolphins can swim
"We can beat them,
"just for one day"
now I sleep,
now I dream,
and that song still plays in my head,
Was Bowie looking at me
as I went through battle?
Was Bowie dreaming
Or was I?
I'm in exile now,
and still I'm convinced
that just for one day,
I could be beat them,
for one day,
In exile, and old
war over for me,
not sure of what I did,
did I get my angel wings,
did I deserve a metal,
did I do enough,
"o nothing will drive them away...
"we could be heroes,
I whisper...
"Just for one day..."

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Para Yaiko

(Para Yaiko)

La quisiera tener tan cerca, que sus latidos estarian en mi corazon,
su cara pegada a la mia,
su sueño me duerme...
Te miro de lejos sin saber que sientes,
tu silencio me llena de lagrimas por ser tan hermoso aunque duela,
estas en la misma sala pero sos un universo perdido,
solo veo tus estrellas brillar en mi noche sin sueño,
y me pregunto si hace siglos se apago tu brillo
o quizas nunca fue para mi...
Mis sentimientos por ti, un tesoro secreto,
que a escondidas lo miro y lo escribo,
letras que excusan mi mirada silenciosa hacía tu espalda,
a escondidas sonrío pensando en un beso calido de tus labios,
ya que lo esperado tanto,
ya que me duele ...
Abrazo la pared que me separa de ti,
fría y rigida,
carcel de mis sentimientos,
aún siento el calor tuyo detras del cemento,
indiferencia de invierno...los veranos cortos valen tanto
en tus ojos hermosos,
en tu cara bella...
no hay otras estaciones,
así que en invierno abrazo la pared,
rigida y fría y sueño con tu calidez,
con tu sonrisa.
En medio de sueños a escondidas te atrape en una esquina. 
Tu pecho expuesto por tu camisa blanca;
sudas en la noche,
por ansiedad, por lujuría que temes. 
Tus labios resaltan en la luna con tus ojos haciendo intentos de escapar...tus manos se levantan,
y con deseos escondidos recibes mis labios en la oscuridad de este sueño caluroso,
tus labios moldeados con los mios...espero tu cuerpo con ansía.
Huella has dejado en mi ser, tanto que tu ausencia no existe, no para mi,
presente siempre estas,
invento nuevas direcciones para voltear y no verte. 
Verte es sentirte,
sentirte es rendirme
ya posees mi alma y mis deseos mas puros.
Me posees con una mirada,
me posees como una criatura sin razon,
perdida en tus ojos,
tu cautiverio...

Eres un secreto para mi,
Secreto que no se lo que es,
Secreto que guardo sin saber si me lo reveleras.
Tu sonrisa hace nuevo mi corazón,
Me muero por solo enganchar mis ojos con tus ojos por un solo segundo.
Como en mis sueños te escondes yo te busco;
como tu escondite eres un secreto.